Javascript 官方文档




Basic Objects

Array Properties

  • constructor
  • length

Array Methods

  • concat()
  • indexOf()
  • join()
  • lastIndexOf()
  • pop()
  • push()
  • reverse()
  • shift()
  • slice()
  • sort()
  • splice()
  • toString()
  • unshift()
  • valueOf()

Boolean Properties

Boolean Methods

Math Properties

  • E
  • LN10
  • LN2
  • LOG10E
  • LOG2E
  • PI
  • SQRT1_2
  • SQRT2

Math Methods

  • abs(x)
  • acos(x)
  • asin(x)
  • atan(x)
  • atan2(y,x)
  • ceil(x)
  • cos(x)
  • exp(x)
  • floor(x)
  • log(x)
  • max(x,y,z,...,n)
  • min(x,y,z,...,n)
  • pow(x,y)
  • random()
  • round(x)
  • sin(x)
  • sqrt(x)
  • tan(x)

Number Properties

Number Methods

String Properties

String Methods

  • charAt()
  • charCodeAt()
  • fromCharCode()
  • match()
  • replace()
  • search()
  • split()
  • substr()
  • substring()
  • toLowerCase()
  • toUpperCase()

String HTML Wrapper Methods

  • anchor()
  • big()
  • blink()
  • bold()
  • fixed()
  • fontcolor()
  • fontsize()
  • italics()
  • link()
  • small()
  • strike()
  • sub()
  • sup()

Global Properties

  • Infinity
  • NaN
  • undefined

Global Methods

Date Object

Date Properties

Date Methods

  • getDate()
  • getDay()
  • getFullYear()
  • getHours()
  • getMilliseconds()
  • getMinutes()
  • getMonth()
  • getSeconds()
  • getTime()
  • getTimezoneOffset()
  • getUTCDate()
  • getUTCDay()
  • getUTCFullYear()
  • getUTCHours()
  • getUTCMilliseconds()
  • getUTCMinutes()
  • getUTCMonth()
  • getUTCSeconds()
  • parse()
  • setDate()
  • setFullYear()
  • setHours()
  • setMilliseconds()
  • setMinutes()
  • setMonth()
  • setSeconds()
  • setTime()
  • setUTCDate()
  • setUTCFullYear()
  • setUTCHours()
  • setUTCMilliseconds()
  • setUTCMinutes()
  • setUTCMonth()
  • setUTCSeconds()
  • toDateString()
  • toISOString()
  • toJSON()
  • toLocaleDateString()
  • toLocaleString()
  • toLocaleTimeString()
  • toTimeString()
  • toUTCString()
  • UTC()


Window Properties

  • closed
  • defaultStatus
  • document
  • frames
  • history
  • innerHeight
  • innerWidth
  • location
  • name
  • navigator
  • opener
  • outerHeight
  • outerWidth
  • pageXOffset
  • pageYOffset
  • parent
  • screen
  • screenLeft
  • screenTop
  • screenX
  • screenY
  • self
  • status
  • top

Window Methods

  • alert()
  • blur()
  • clearInterval()
  • clearTimeout()
  • close()
  • confirm()
  • focus()
  • moveBy()
  • moveTo()
  • open()
  • print()
  • prompt()
  • resizeBy()
  • resizeTo()
  • scrollBy()
  • scrollTo()
  • setInterval()
  • setTimeout()

Navigator Properties

  • appCodeName
  • appName
  • appVersion
  • cookieEnabled
  • platform
  • userAgent

Navigator Methods

Screen Properties

  • availHeight
  • availWidth
  • colorDepth
  • height
  • pixelDepth
  • width

History Properties

History Methods

  • back()
  • forward()
  • go()

Location Properties

  • hash
  • host
  • hostname
  • href
  • pathname
  • port
  • protocol
  • search

Location Methods

DOM Events

Mouse Events

  • click
  • dblclick
  • mousedown
  • mousemove
  • mouseout
  • mouseover
  • mouseup

Keyboard Events

  • keydown
  • keypress
  • keyup

Frame Events

  • abort
  • load
  • resize
  • unload

Form Events

  • onsubmit
  • blur
  • change
  • focus
  • select

Event Object Constant

Event Object Properties

  • bubbles
  • cancelable
  • currentTarget
  • target
  • timeStamp
  • type

EventListener Object

MouseEvent/KeyboardEvent Object

  • keyIdentifier
  • altKey
  • button
  • clientX
  • clientY
  • ctrlKey
  • metaKey
  • relatedTarget
  • shiftKey

MouseEvent/KeyboardEvent Methods

DOM Node

Node Properties

  • attributes
  • baseURI
  • childNodes
  • firstChild
  • lastChild
  • localName
  • namespaceURI
  • nextSibling
  • nodeName
  • nodeType
  • nodeValue
  • ownerDocument
  • parentNode
  • prefix
  • previousSibling
  • textContent

Node Methods

nodeName Returns

nodeValue Returns



  • g
  • i
  • m
  • Perform multiline matching


  • (red|blue|green)
  • Find any of the alternatives specified
  • [^abc]
  • [^adgk]
  • Find any character outside the given set
  • [0-9]
  • Find any digit from 0 to 9
  • [A-Z]
  • Find any character from uppercase A to uppercase Z
  • [abc]
  • [adgk]
  • Find any character in the given set


  • .
  • \0
  • Find a NUL character
  • \b
  • \d
  • \f
  • Find a form feed character
  • \n
  • \r
  • Find a carriage return character
  • \s
  • \t
  • Find a tab character
  • \uxxxx
  • \v
  • Find a vertical tab character
  • \w
  • \xdd
  • \xxx


  • ^n
  • ?!n
  • ?=n
  • n?
  • n{X,}
  • n{X,Y}
  • n{X}
  • n*
  • n+
  • n$

RegExp Properties

RegExp Methods

  • exec()
  • test()

Core DOM

Nodelist Properties

Nodelist Methods

  • item()

NamedNodeMap Properties

NamedNodeMap Methods

Document Properties

  • doctype
  • documentElement
  • documentURI
  • implementation
  • inputEncoding
  • xmlEncoding
  • xmlVersion

Document Methods

Element Properties

  • tagName

Element Methods

Attr Properties


CanvasRenderingContext2D Methods

  • arc()
  • arcTo()
  • beginPath()
  • bezierCurveTo()
  • clearRect()
  • clip()
  • closePath()
  • createImageData()
  • createLinearGradient()
  • createPattern()
  • createRadialGradient()
  • drawCustomFocusRing()
  • drawImage()
  • drawSystemFocusRing()
  • fill()
  • fillRect()
  • fillText()
  • getImageData()
  • getLineDash()
  • isPointInPath()
  • lineTo()
  • measureText()
  • putImageData()
  • quadraticCurveTo()
  • rect()
  • restore()
  • rotate()
  • save()
  • scale()
  • scrollPathIntoView()
  • setLineDash()
  • setTransform()
  • stroke()
  • strokeRect()
  • strokeText()
  • transform()
  • translate()