
著名野迪表演艺术家 2023-12-12 11:17:38 浏览数 (1382)

最小生成树(Minimum Spanning Tree)是图论中的重要概念,用于寻找连接图中所有节点的最优路径。本文将详细介绍最小生成树算法的原理、常见实现方法,以及在实际应用中的重要性和应用场景。





  • 普里姆(Prim)算法:从一个起始节点开始,逐步扩展生成树,每次选择与生成树连接的权值最小的边,并将其加入生成树的集合中。通过不断扩展生成树,直到所有节点都被连接为止。代码如下:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define INF 9999
#define V 5

int graph[V][V] = {
    {0, 2, 0, 6, 0},
    {2, 0, 3, 8, 5},
    {0, 3, 0, 0, 7},
    {6, 8, 0, 0, 9},
    {0, 5, 7, 9, 0}

int minKey(int key[], bool mstSet[])
    int min = INF, min_index;
    for (int v = 0; v < V; v++)
        if (mstSet[v] == false && key[v] < min)
            min = key[v];
            min_index = v;
    return min_index;

void printMST(int parent[], int n)
    printf("Edge \tWeight\n");
    for (int i = 1; i < V; i++)
        printf("%d - %d \t%d\n", parent[i], i, graph[i][parent[i]]);

void primMST()
    int parent[V];
    int key[V];
    bool mstSet[V];

    for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
        key[i] = INF;
        mstSet[i] = false;

    key[0] = 0;
    parent[0] = -1;

    for (int count = 0; count < V - 1; count++)
        int u = minKey(key, mstSet);
        mstSet[u] = true;

        for (int v = 0; v < V; v++)
            if (graph[u][v] && mstSet[v] == false && graph[u][v] < key[v])
                parent[v] = u;
                key[v] = graph[u][v];

    printMST(parent, V);

int main()
    return 0;

  • 克鲁斯卡尔(Kruskal)算法:将图中的所有边按照权值从小到大排序,然后依次选择权值最小的边,如果该边的两个节点不在同一个连通分量中,则将其加入生成树的集合中。通过不断选择边,直到生成树包含了所有节点。 代码如下:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX_EDGES 50

typedef struct
    int source, destination, weight;
} Edge;

typedef struct
    int parent;
    int rank;
} Subset;

typedef struct
    int V, E;
    Edge edges[MAX_EDGES];
} Graph;

Graph* createGraph(int V, int E)
    Graph* graph = (Graph*)malloc(sizeof(Graph));
    graph->V = V;
    graph->E = E;
    return graph;

int find(Subset subsets[], int i)
    if (subsets[i].parent != i)
        subsets[i].parent = find(subsets, subsets[i].parent);
    return subsets[i].parent;

void Union(Subset subsets[], int x, int y)
    int root_x = find(subsets, x);
    int root_y = find(subsets, y);

    if (subsets[root_x].rank < subsets[root_y].rank)
        subsets[root_x].parent = root_y;
    else if (subsets[root_x].rank > subsets[root_y].rank)
        subsets[root_y].parent = root_x;
        subsets[root_y].parent = root_x;

int compareEdges(const void* a, const void* b)
    Edge* edge1 = (Edge*)a;
    Edge* edge2 = (Edge*)b;
    return edge1->weight - edge2->weight;

void kruskalMST(Graph* graph)
    int V = graph->V;
    Edge result[V];
    int e = 0;
    int i = 0;

    qsort(graph->edges, graph->E, sizeof(Edge), compareEdges);

    Subset* subsets = (Subset*)malloc(V * sizeof(Subset));

    for (int v = 0; v < V; v++)
        subsets[v].parent = v;
        subsets[v].rank = 0;

    while (e < V - 1 && i < graph->E)
        Edge next_edge = graph->edges[i++];

        int x = find(subsets, next_edge.source);
        int y = find(subsets, next_edge.destination);

        if (x != y)
            result[e++] = next_edge;
            Union(subsets, x, y);

    printf("Following are the edges in the constructed MST:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < e; ++i)
        printf("%d -- %d == %d\n", result[i].source, result[i].destination, result[i].weight);

int main()
    int V = 4; // 图中的节点数
    int E = 5; // 图中的边数
    Graph* graph = createGraph(V, E);

    // 添加边
    graph->edges[0].source = 0;
    graph->edges[0].destination = 1;
    graph->edges[0].weight = 10;

    graph->edges[1].source = 0;
    graph->edges[1].destination = 2;
    graph->edges[1].weight = 6;

    graph->edges[2].source = 0;
    graph->edges[2].destination = 3;
    graph->edges[2].weight = 5;

    graph->edges[3].source = 1;
    graph->edges[3].destination = 3;
    graph->edges[3].weight = 15;

    graph->edges[4].source = 2;
    graph->edges[4].destination = 3;
    graph->edges[4].weight = 4;


    return 0;


  • 网络设计:在计算机网络中,最小生成树用于设计网络拓扑,确保网络中的所有节点都能够相互通信,并且连接的成本最小。通过最小生成树算法,可以构建高效的网络结构,提高通信的效率和稳定性。 
  • 电力传输:在电力传输网络中,最小生成树可以帮助确定最优的输电线路,以最大程度地减少能量损耗和成本。通过选择最佳的传输路径,可以提高电力传输的效率和可靠性。 
  • 物流规划:在物流领域,最小生成树可以帮助确定最优的供应链路线,以最小化物流成本和时间。通过应用最小生成树算法,可以优化物流规划,提高运输效率和降低成本。 






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